Wa Lau finally wait till exam over liao! Shiok La... super long exam period... Haiz...
Ya 26th December Hor... OkaY I okaY....
dun forget the presents!
Okay guys can start to post wish-list up here liao... HeHe
Friday, 30 November 2007
shld b fine wif me on the 26th.. :>
Ray is already in X'mas mood.. haha..
This idiot called
wrote this at
12:56 am
Hey peeps,
we meet on the 26th dec for xmas gif exchange n stuff?can?Pls reply for ur attendence.Thks.
Venue: can we hold it in kelvin's hse?hehes~
This idiot called
wrote this at
12:48 am
Thursday, 8 November 2007
Been 9days!!!
YO babes & hunks!!...
been nine wholesome days since anyone.. i mean anyone posted any thing on this blog!..
haha.. me too.. like all of you been super down with work i guess!..
but nonetheless... ALL THE BEST FOR UR UPCOMING EXAMS K!...
rock on and chase ur A+ wor... nothing less k!.. my exams gonna cui backside liao.. so whatever le! sian... anyway guys... rem out date for our Christmas BBQ or Steamboat k!...
if u all dun mind.. i can put my house up as the humble venue for the eagerly anticipated night!...
can someone remind me what was did date we all agreed upon?... sorry short-term memory setting in as i grow order!
oh yah.. remember to log set www.jerkzflys.blogspot.com as your homepage k!..
in this way u will rem to log in and have fun in this blog everyday!.. haha
Your friendly Hall 17 non-engine jerKzflys,
This idiot called
wrote this at
6:45 pm